dpsFramework Java-Packages

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DATABASE_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.dpsframework.PsBoardAgent
dateHistory - Variable in class com.dpsframework.core.engines.RBEngineCLIPS
dateHistory - Variable in class com.dpsframework.core.engines.RBEngineJESS
Debug_Executeion_Level - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.NodePKEYS
debugExecutionLevel - Variable in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeSettings
debuggingMode - Variable in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeSettings
default_artifacts_classes - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwCLASS
+***********************************************+ [ default-artifacts-classes-names ] | | |***********************************************| | platform, jade.Boot -gui | | monitor, com.dpsframework.PsMonitorAgent | | node, com.dpsframework.PsNodeAgent | | board, com.dpsframework.PsBoardAgent | | stage-node, com.dpsframework.PsStageNode | | | | all-monitors, com.dpsframework.PsMonitorAgent | | all-nodes, com.dpsframework.PsNodeAgent | | all-boards, com.dpsframework.PsBoardAgent | | all-stages, com.dpsframework.PsStageNode | | | |-----------------------------------------------|
default_artifacts_instances - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwARTIFACTS
{ {platform, "none"}, {node, "Node"}, {monitor, "Monitor"}, {board, "Board}, {stage_node, "Node"}, // It's the same.
default_dirs - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwPATHS
default_engine - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.KwBASED
default_host - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.JADEdefaults
default_port - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.JADEdefaults
descriptionOfRole - Variable in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeSettings
deweyDecimalCode - Variable in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeSettings
DirList(String) - Static method in class com.dpsframework.util.PsServices
disposeAsync() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsBoardAgentGui
disposeAsync() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsMonitorAgentGui
disposeAsync() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeAgentGui
disposeAsync() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsStageNodeGUI
disposeAsync() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsTestGui
doc - Variable in class com.dpsframework.util.JadeConsole
doChar(char) - Method in class com.dpsframework.core.engines.ConsoleRouterJESS.PanelJESS
doCommandCompletion(String) - Method in class com.dpsframework.util.JadeConsole
doDelete() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsBoardAgent
doDelete() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsMonitorAgent
doDelete() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsNodeAgent
doDelete() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsStageNode
doDelete() - Method in class com.dpsframework.PsTestAgent
dpsBuilder_FileName - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
DPSNODE_BUNDLE - Static variable in class com.dpsframework.util.PsServices
dpsNodeAgent_FileName - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
dpsSourceCode_FileName - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
dpsTagRelease - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
dpsTagVersion - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
dpsTagYear - Static variable in interface com.dpsframework.util.PsConstants.FwDISTRIBUTION
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Agents of dpsFramework 1.7